There’s a great Polish joke, from before the fall of the Berlin Wall. A woman walks into a store, and looks around. The shelves and displays are all bare, with a man in white behind the counter. She asks the clerk, “You don’t have any meat?” The clerk says, “No, we don’t have any fish. The shop that doesn’t have any meat is across the street.”
Many, if not almost all, revolutions in the past three hundred years have started because of food shortages. Political machinations didn’t help, and sure, in the end they were rebranded as a push for liberty, justice, etc - but they started when people couldn’t feed themselves. And just like in the late eighties in the Soviet Union, we’re seeing supply shortages.
“Krishnakumar Davey, president of strategic analytics at IRI, told the Journal the shortages are intermittent and vary based on retailer and location. Davey said some of the nation’s 10 largest retailers had more than 20% of baby formula out of stock the week ended Jan. 2.” -USA Today
When you can’t feed your kids, that’s when the violence happens. Currently, even in Canada, we’re seeing supply chain shortages. It’s not nearly as bad as many places, but it absolutely should be concerning to everyone in North America that 20% of retailers are flat out of a critical foodstuff like baby formula. If I had to make an educated guess, most of that is in ‘food deserts’…which, strangely enough, are almost all high crime and largely Democratic strongholds. A few outliers exist of course, and now that San Fransisco is losing almost all of its Walgreens , and Safeway not far behind, it won’t be long until large areas of the city are not only open-air asylums but food deserts as well.
Now, what’s a food desert? It’s an area, that for whatever reason, has no supermarket or grocery store within a mile in urban settings, or twenty miles in rural ones. People in these areas often live below the poverty line, in high crime areas, serviced only by bodegas or corner stores. Access to food is limited both in nutrition and variety, and it’s also where the pinch of a supply failure is going to be felt. Let’s face it- a bodega in the Sixth Ward of Houston is gonna have its orders put well below Walmart’s.
So, why is all of this important? Well, those food deserts are going to get drier and drier over the winter. Stores are already stocking what they have, and as things get worse, they’ll stock whatever they can get their hands on, whether that’s creamed spinach in a can or durian. And once the bigger chains start snatching up anything they get their hands on, those food deserts are going to flat-out starve. And after about three days of hunger, those places will erupt in violence. Sure, ‘enterprising’ people will begin doing retail raids in other areas as we saw in the Gucci stores of California, to resell food at an inflated price - but that won’t alleviate the problem.
For those of you old enough, think of the Rodney King riots in terms of scope. Police forces across the country are desperately short-staffed. Seattle area police forces and jails are short-staffed by 10% or more. As food riots begin in those areas, National Guard units will be called up…well, at least if they’re not in Ukraine or elsewhere. One could even speculate that it would take one or two cyberattacks on a major chain like, oh, Walmart and Kroegers to bring the supply chain down badly enough to start civil unrest on a scale that would make the sixties look like amateur hour.
Now is the time to stock up on non-perishables and ammunition. Things are going to get real, real bad. It’s the dead of winter for most of North America, with harvests of anything a long ways off.
Looking forward to it, let's get the party started. It's been building for a long time and now that the country is full of scumbags, the killing can commence. I have my list of dems and rinos. Do you???